ESL04 Observing and Planning Instruction to ELL Students


Course Description: English Language Learners (ELLs) arrive in our classrooms with diverse backgrounds and varying levels of language proficiency. It is essential for ESL teachers to have the knowledge and skills to design developmentally appropriate curricula that support all learners. This course equips educators with the tools to create effective, inclusive ESL programs tailored to meet the unique needs of each student. By the end of the course, participants will be able to design and implement customized ESL instruction and identify appropriate materials and resources for students at every stage of English language development.


Course Description: English Language Learners (ELLs) arrive in our classrooms with diverse backgrounds and varying levels of language proficiency. It is essential for ESL teachers to have the knowledge and skills to design developmentally appropriate curricula that support all learners. This course equips educators with the tools to create effective, inclusive ESL programs tailored to meet the unique needs of each student. By the end of the course, participants will be able to design and implement customized ESL instruction and identify appropriate materials and resources for students at every stage of English language development.

Course Description: English Language Learners (ELLs) arrive in our classrooms with diverse backgrounds and varying levels of language proficiency. It is essential for ESL teachers to have the knowledge and skills to design developmentally appropriate curricula that support all learners. This course equips educators with the tools to create effective, inclusive ESL programs tailored to meet the unique needs of each student. By the end of the course, participants will be able to design and implement customized ESL instruction and identify appropriate materials and resources for students at every stage of English language development.

Master’s Credits: 3 graduate-level credits (Carlow University transcript)
Course Instructor:
Renee Parker, PhD
Course Duration: 8 Weeks; may take up to 3 years to complete
Course Type: 100% Online, Facilitated
Course Sponsor: Carlow University

Course Objectives - Participants will demonstrate the ability to:

  1. Design standards-aligned instruction in English utilizing the Pennsylvania Academic Standards, the English Language Proficiency Standards, and Can-Do descriptors in relation to the continuum of proficiency levels.

  2. Plan ESL instruction and assessment specific to the reading and writing needs of students with limited formal schooling (LFS) or interrupted formal education (SIFE).

  3. Recognize, plan and implement key elements of ESL lesson design, which include:

    • Content and language objectives;

    • Scaffolding, supports;

    • Activating and building on prior knowledge

    • Formative and authentic assessments; and

    • Academic and social interaction at the English Language Proficiency Level of the student, specifically in the domains of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

  4. Differentiate instruction based on formative assessment of student progress, reteaching as necessary for students who need additional time and alternative approaches to meet learning outcomes.

  5. Develop and implement communicative activities in K-12 classrooms that promote authentic interactions for social and academic purposes and that integrate all language skills, i.e., reading, writing, speaking, and listening.

  6. Collaborate with and provide guidance to content teachers of ELLs related to using English language proficiency standards (ELPS), appropriate supports, and adaptations which provide students access to content instruction, tasks and assessments at their English language proficiency level.

  7. Select, analyze and adapt a variety of authentic sources and tools to enhance oralcy and literacy development for ELLs, including but not limited to:

    • Various popular texts, including fiction, non-fiction, comic-book style, etc.;

    • Visual and/or original source materials;

    • L1 materials;

    • Music;

    • Media and multimedia, including technological resources and electronic communication

  8. Plan effective lessons in all domains (Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening) using a variety of materials, texts, activities, strategies and assessments appropriately based on consideration of learners' differing English language proficiency, L1 literacy and prior knowledge, age and developmental stages, grade levels, learning styles and sociocultural needs.

  9. Develop classroom activities that could involve families and provide ELLs and their families with information, support and assistance.

  10. Develop classroom activities that could involve families and provide ELLs and their families with information, support and assistance.