ESL06 Assessing ESL Students
Course Description: Assessing ELL Students is a three credit (45-hour) course designed to expand your knowledge of effective assessment practices and support services available for ELL students. Topics Include effective assessment practices, purposes for assessment, multiple assessment models, use of evaluation techniques, scaffolding of assessments, and formal/informal assessment tools. Learn about the availability of school support services to assist ELLs in language acquisition and content learning. Discuss ways to promote parental/family involvement with their children’s education program. Gain hands-on experience in test administration, interpretation, and reporting. Individual education plans for ELLs identified as special education students will also be discussed. Students will also examine: multiple assessment models, use of evaluation techniques, scaffolding of assessments, and discuss formal and informal assessment tools.
Course Description: Assessing ELL Students is a three credit (45-hour) course designed to expand your knowledge of effective assessment practices and support services available for ELL students. Topics Include effective assessment practices, purposes for assessment, multiple assessment models, use of evaluation techniques, scaffolding of assessments, and formal/informal assessment tools. Learn about the availability of school support services to assist ELLs in language acquisition and content learning. Discuss ways to promote parental/family involvement with their children’s education program. Gain hands-on experience in test administration, interpretation, and reporting. Individual education plans for ELLs identified as special education students will also be discussed. Students will also examine: multiple assessment models, use of evaluation techniques, scaffolding of assessments, and discuss formal and informal assessment tools.
Course Description: Assessing ELL Students is a three credit (45-hour) course designed to expand your knowledge of effective assessment practices and support services available for ELL students. Topics Include effective assessment practices, purposes for assessment, multiple assessment models, use of evaluation techniques, scaffolding of assessments, and formal/informal assessment tools. Learn about the availability of school support services to assist ELLs in language acquisition and content learning. Discuss ways to promote parental/family involvement with their children’s education program. Gain hands-on experience in test administration, interpretation, and reporting. Individual education plans for ELLs identified as special education students will also be discussed. Students will also examine: multiple assessment models, use of evaluation techniques, scaffolding of assessments, and discuss formal and informal assessment tools.
Master’s Credits: 3 graduate-level credits (Carlow University transcript)
Course Instructor: Renee Parker, PhD
Course Duration: 8 Weeks; may take up to 3 years to complete
Course Type: 100% Online, Facilitated
Course Sponsor: Carlow University
Course Objectives - Participants will demonstrate the ability to:
Use multiple and appropriate formative and summative assessment measures for a variety of purposes.
Apply appropriate testing practices for English language learners including:
Determination of the validity and reliability of tests to make assessment related decisions for ELLs;
Knowledge and application of alternative and multiple assessment measures to ascertain what ELLs’ know and can do;
Appropriate interpretation and use of data to support ELLs:
Assessment of ELLs’ test-taking challenges and creation of strategies and scaffolding techniques to address these challenges;
Recognize, apply and share state-allowed testing accommodations for ELLs at varying proficiency levels;
Identify and use multiple assessment resources and measures to make informed decisions concerning an ELL’s progression through a language instruction program, observing all applicable national and state standards;
Implement a variety of assessment tools as part of classroom instruction, planning and recording of progress towards proficiency and academic achievement.
Inform parents/families, using their preferred mode(s) of communication, of federal and state-mandated testing, and the implications of such testing, for ELLs in a language instructional program.
Identify accountability measures and assessment targets in order to analyze real-time ELL data in order to make programmatic and instructional adjustments.
Analyze data from various ELL groups to evaluate the effectiveness of an ESL program or language teaching methodology
Identify and use a variety of resources and research, including native-language assessment and accommodated assessments, to inform decisions about language differences, giftedness, learning disabilities or other qualities of ELLs which would entitle them to participate in school programs.
Use research in the field of ESL to articulate a personal educational philosophy for instructing ELL’s.
Create a personal professional development plan based on interests and reflection, taking advantage of opportunities to support those goals in professional associations and other academic organizations.