Google Classroom Certification
Google Classroom Certification includes an eAdviser for support & engagement as needed.
Accelerated Learning and flexible course end-dates. Get access today. See course description below.
Sponsored by Midwestern IU IV
PA Dept. of Education Approved for teachers statewide
Act 48 Credits: 3 graduate-level credits
Act 48 CPE Hours: 90
Course eAdviser: Dr. Russ Willis
Course Duration: 6-8 weeks
Course Type: Facilitated
eAdviser Support for one year
Google Classroom is essential for most K-12 learning today due to its streamlined workflow, centralized communication, real-time feedback, accessibility, integration with G Suite, and collaborative learning, fostering an organized and engaging environment.
Google Classroom Certification includes an eAdviser for support & engagement as needed.
Accelerated Learning and flexible course end-dates. Get access today. See course description below.
Sponsored by Midwestern IU IV
PA Dept. of Education Approved for teachers statewide
Act 48 Credits: 3 graduate-level credits
Act 48 CPE Hours: 90
Course eAdviser: Dr. Russ Willis
Course Duration: 6-8 weeks
Course Type: Facilitated
eAdviser Support for one year
Google Classroom is essential for most K-12 learning today due to its streamlined workflow, centralized communication, real-time feedback, accessibility, integration with G Suite, and collaborative learning, fostering an organized and engaging environment.
Google Classroom Certification includes an eAdviser for support & engagement as needed.
Accelerated Learning and flexible course end-dates. Get access today. See course description below.
Sponsored by Midwestern IU IV
PA Dept. of Education Approved for teachers statewide
Act 48 Credits: 3 graduate-level credits
Act 48 CPE Hours: 90
Course eAdviser: Dr. Russ Willis
Course Duration: 6-8 weeks
Course Type: Facilitated
eAdviser Support for one year
Google Classroom is essential for most K-12 learning today due to its streamlined workflow, centralized communication, real-time feedback, accessibility, integration with G Suite, and collaborative learning, fostering an organized and engaging environment.
Quick Start
Class Activities
Interactive Lessons
Class Management
Class Planning
Group Work
Digital Citizenship
Online Chat
Google Hangout/Meet
Video Conference
Google Bard
Interactive Lessons
Real-time Feedback
Auto grading tools
Adaptive Learning Technology
Video Creation & Chat GPT
Course Description: This course will help educators learn Google's web-based software as a technical and educational solution to empower teachers to develop authentic and relevant digital learning teaching skills. Teachers will learn how to successfully integrate technology including Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) into the classroom. This eight-week course will give you the fundamental tools and knowledge to use Google Classroom and Google Applications to improve both your classroom instruction and your online instruction when students are not in the classroom. It will also prepare you to take the exam to become a Google Certified Level 1 Educator.
Teachers that complete the course will have access to the instructor after the class ends for support and be able to support other teachers in their school seeking to use Google Tools in their classroom.
Course Objectives:
Become a Google Certified Level I Educator. At the end of this course, you will be able to prove your knowledge and join the ranks of Google Certified Educators around the globe. Learn the fundamentals of Google Classroom by completing this course. Then when you are comfortable with the material, take the certification exam. $10 Google examination fee.
In this course you will learn:
Set up your paperless Google Classroom: Save time communicating with our Quickstart program
Start teaching students immediately: Accelerated jumpstart to your classroom online
Build interactive lessons: Captivate your class with video, facilitate group work
Collaborate anywhere: Co-edit documents, spreadsheets, and presentations in real-time
Manage all your tasks: Build to-do lists, create task reminders, and schedule meetings.
Communicate with students with ease: Connect with email, chat, and video conference
Bring student work online: measure, understand & share student growth
Connect with parents of students: promote digital citizenship and positive online behavior
Learn how to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to turn text into amazing videos…no camera or microphone required
Learn how to use Google’s Bard and ChatGPT to create online lessons and videos for your Google Classroom.
Financing option now available: No principal or interest due if you pay in 6 months: Learn more