
Save Big with Our Bundle of All Six Required Courses

ESL 01: Developing Cultural Awareness & Sensitivity | 3 credits
ESL 02: Language Acquisition | 3 credits
ESL 03: Literacy Acquisition | 3 credits
ESL 04 Observing and Planning Instruction | 3 credits
ESL 05: Implementing and Managing Instruction | 3 credits
ESL 06: Assessing ESL Students | 3 credits

Recognized in K-12 Schools Worldwide!

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Save Big with Our Bundle of All Six Required Courses

ESL 01: Developing Cultural Awareness & Sensitivity | 3 credits
ESL 02: Language Acquisition | 3 credits
ESL 03: Literacy Acquisition | 3 credits
ESL 04 Observing and Planning Instruction | 3 credits
ESL 05: Implementing and Managing Instruction | 3 credits
ESL 06: Assessing ESL Students | 3 credits

Recognized in K-12 Schools Worldwide!

Save Big with Our Bundle of All Six Required Courses

ESL 01: Developing Cultural Awareness & Sensitivity | 3 credits
ESL 02: Language Acquisition | 3 credits
ESL 03: Literacy Acquisition | 3 credits
ESL 04 Observing and Planning Instruction | 3 credits
ESL 05: Implementing and Managing Instruction | 3 credits
ESL 06: Assessing ESL Students | 3 credits

Recognized in K-12 Schools Worldwide!

The 100% online GLOBAL ESL CERTIFICATION certifies ESL school program coordinators and classroom teachers to work in classrooms with English Language Learners (ELLs). This course is approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education and developed to WIDA standards with proven tools and support to help educators and multilingual learners succeed. 6-course ESL SERIES: see full descriptions below.

  • Masters Credits: 3 graduate-level credits (Carlow University)
    Course Instructor:
    Renee Parker, PhD
    Course Duration: 8 Weeks, may take up to 3 years to complete
    Course Type: 100% Online, Facilitated
    Course Sponsor: Carlow UniversityCourse Six-Course Fast Track Duration: 6-12 months, the student may take up to 3 years to complete

  • Course Type: Facilitated

  • Course Description: printable

  • Single Course Enrollment

  • PDE Approval Numbers

  • Graduate Credit option with Carlow University, Call (888) 936-8626

FINANCING OPTION AVAILABLE:  No interest or payments for six months. Approval is in seconds. learn more

Teachers entering the workforce often struggle with how to use a language-focused, quality curriculum that maintains academic rigor and high expectations for English language learners. Participants in this program will learn how to efficiently and effectively instruct English language learners using research-based methodologies regarding language structures, functions, forms, patterns, and conventions of oral and written language in alignment with Pennsylvania’s English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) and the Common Core while applying instructional practices that provide students with comprehensible input. Educators exiting this program will also be well-equipped to use data to inform their instruction through the competent implementation of Pennsylvania’s mandated English language proficiency assessments (ACCESS for ELLs and W-APT) as well as formative assessments. 

Each participant will have an eAdviser assigned to them for the duration of the course and as they need assistance throughout the year. Our ESL eAdvisers will support and guide you to meet all homework and in-classroom learning criteria.